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LuxeSci Show Notes: Bonus Interviews - Atoms and Art with Kissed by Electrons

Interview - Stefan (KissedByElectrons)

Hello - we are continuing our series of interviews with scientific artists and artistic scientists.  This week we are speaking with Stefan, the brilliant mind behind the website KissedByElectrons.  Stefan is a chemical engineer who collaborates with scientists and artists to create beautiful images using electron microscopy. He also creates SciComm Poems!!

Interview Questions:

  1. Have you always been interested in science?

  2. How did you get started in chemical engineering?

  3. When did you first start using electron microscopy?

  4. Can you describe the process of using electron microscopy?

  5. What does using this technology allow you to do as a scientist?

  6. You website says that the images are black and white.  How do you colorize them?

  7. How does the art contribute to the process of creating the images?

  8. How do you think science and art are connected?

  9. What do you hope people think and feel when they see your images?

  10. You also do SciComm poems, can you tell us about how you got started with those?

  11. Who is your favorite scientist?

You can find Kissed by Electrons work here:


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