Linear perspective = mathematical system for projecting a 3-D world onto a 2-D surface
Started with Euclid’s Elements and his geometry and the technique was originally called geometric figuring
Invited science into art but in turn it made science art better
Ex - Galileo’s moon drawings depicted the topography of the mountains and craters
Has been reworked since the Renaissance with artists playing with perspective more
Although linear perspective in its true form is still used for video games
There are different types of perspective
Anamorphsis - stretch an ordinary linear-perspective image in one or more direction to obscure its original form
Draw a grid over the image and translate the image point by point to a grid that has been stretched
In order to see the form of the object, the viewer must be positioned in a particular spot
Questions for Sam:
How long have you been drawing
How would you describe your style?
How much does perspective feature into your art
How did you learn it?
What does it look like in practice for you
Do you do the math or go by site
We understand that you teach as well - how do you teach it?